Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Potential.



4 days ago

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''Before Psychology''- the Secret Source that exponentially increases the peace, performance, and potential for any individual or organisation.
Unlocking Transformative Insights from Everyday Annoyances
In this episode of the Quality of Mind Transforming Business podcast, Piers and returning guest Kate delve into the profound lessons hidden within our everyday annoyances. Through engaging and relatable examples, the conversation reveals how our reactions to others can shine a light on deeper personal conditioning and programming. Discover how self-inquiry and identifying with awareness rather than the 'self' can lead to transformative shifts in perception, ultimately enhancing relationships and promoting a richer, more compassionate understanding of oneself and others. They also discuss the magic of the system and how we often miss the opportunity to see how others' actions are just learning experiences.
This Episode: 
00:00 Welcome and Introduction 
02:34 The Power of 'Before Psychology'
04:26 Understanding Annoyance and Judgment
07:27 Real-Life Examples of Judgment
17:42 The Concept of 'I' and Self-Inquiry
22:29 Exploring the Concept of 'I'
23:56 Understanding Annoyance and Self-Identification
26:03 The Intelligent Design of Annoyance
28:34 Seeing Through Misidentification
33:05 Leaning into Discomfort for Growth
36:32 Curiousity and Compassion in Relationships
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Kate and her website
A summary of the Quality of Mind resources, to find out more
TASTE THE MANGO Piers and  Katrijn's YouTube and Sub stack all about Direct Inquiry, Explore for yourself
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind 
Check out our other podcast episodes, a curated list here
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Jul 05, 2024

From the QUALITY OF MIND Podcast
Part of our new 'Not Even 5 Mins Series'
Ep 11:  ''Flow State - Where Are We Going Wrong?
Listen to the full episode here 
Quality of Mind unlocks the Secret Source to more performance, peace and potential. But it does it in a very transformative, sustainable way, by explore 'Before Psychology'  - What is that, and does it help? 
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
Check out our other podcast episodes; a curated list here
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of posts

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''Before Psychology''- the Secret Source that exponentially increases the peace, performance, and potential for any individual or organisation.
This episode  dives deep into the concept of 'flow' with executive coach Tim Downes. Piers and Tim discuss the innate human potential to experience flow, often misunderstood as a state that requires specific activities or external validations. They examine how recognising and inquiring into the nature of our true awareness—not our conditioned, separate self—can lead to a more consistent, effortless state of ease and flow in daily life. Key concepts such as mindfulness, the illusion of self, and the universal accessibility of flow without external aids are explored. The conversation covers:
Understanding Flow
Barriers to Flow
The Role of Self in Flow
Are There Phases to Flow?
Practical Insights on Achieving Flow
Summary: The Myths About Flow
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Tim on LinkedIn here and his website True Results
A summary of the Quality of Mind resources, to find out more 
TASTE THE MANGO Piers and  Katrijn's YouTube and Sub stack all about Direct Inquiry, Explore for yourself
A summary of the Quality of Mind resources, to find out more 
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Check out our other podcast episodes, a curated list here
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Jun 14, 2024

From the QUALITY OF MIND Podcast
Part of our new 'Not Even 5 Mins Series'
"Is Quality of Mind Different to Spirituality’’
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
Check out our other podcast episodes; a curated list here
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of posts

Monday Jun 10, 2024

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''Before Psychology''- the Secret Source' that exponentially increases the peace, performance, and potential for any individual or organisation.
In this episode, Piers discusses with show regular and fellow Quality of Mind collaborator Katrijn Van Oudheudsen  her latest book, 'Seeing No Self' part of her transformative trilogy on non-duality and the nature of the mind.
The episode discusses the concept of non-duality, the illusion of the self, and how understanding these ideas can lead to profound changes in leadership, productivity, and personal well-being. 
Listeners can expect insights into the practical applications of these seeming just philosophical ideas and how they challenge conventional thinking in personal development and human potential.
03:15 Exploring Non-Duality: The Core Concept
04:49 Understanding Flow State and Connection
09:30 The Trilogy: An Overview of the 3 Books
12:19 The Power of Direct Experience
15:54 Navigating the Books: Where to Start?
20:53 The Importance of Non-Duality in Personal Development
25:08 Direct Inquiry: The Mechanism Explained
29:54 Exploring the Concept of Self
31:48 Guiding the Mind Through Inquiry
33:01 The Duality of Non-Duality
34:39 Making Non-Duality Accessible
35:53 The Challenge of Describing Non-Duality
37:30 Implications of Non-Duality in Life
39:13 What book is next...
41:06 The Future of Non-Duality Literature
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Katrijn on LinkedIn here and her website and great books here
TASTE THE MANGO Piers and  Katrijn's YouTube and Sub stack all about Direct Inquiry, Explore for yourself
For our previous episodes with Katrijn; Leadership or Free Will & Change  
A summary of the Quality of Mind resources, to find out more 
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Wednesday May 01, 2024

From the QUALITY OF MIND Podcast
Part of our new 'Not Even 5 Mins Series'
Ep 10:  ''Before Psychology: What Do You Actually Explore?''
Quality of Mind unlocks the Secret Source to more performance, peace and potential. But it does it in a very transformative, sustainable way, by explore 'Before Psychology'  - What is that, and does it help? 
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
Check out our other podcast episodes; a curated list here
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of posts

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Part of our 'Not Even 5 Mins Series'
Ep11:  "The Biggest Superpower for Human Potential''
An excerpt from a conversation with personal growth expert Dre Baldwin
Link to the full episode  
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
Check out our other podcast episodes; a curated list here
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a a selection of playlists on different aspects of Quality of Mind and Before Psychology
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of posts
Join our free Substack - The Secret Source - The Essential Hack 
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''Before Psychology''- the Secret Source' that exponentially increases the peace, performance, and potential for any individual or organisation.

Monday Mar 18, 2024

Part of our 'Not Even 5 Mins Series'
Ep10:  "What is awakening?''
An excerpt from a conversation with Helen Amery on the episode ''Many Journeys Pointing to One Realisation - Why Are There Are So Many Different Approaches to Transformation & Human''
Link to the full episode  
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
Check out our other podcast episodes; a curated list here
Watch past clients talk about the power of Quality of Mind here
For a more in depth looking into the nondual understanding behind Quality of Mind  listen here  or here
Find out more about the relevance of Quality of Mind  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a a selection of playlists on different aspects of Quality of Mind and Before Psychology
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of posts
Join our free Substack - The Secret Source - The Essential Hack 

Friday Mar 01, 2024

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''before psychology'' - that exponentially increases the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
Many Journeys Pointing to One Realisation - Why Are There Are So Many Different Approaches to Transformation & Human Potential?
This episode is a conversation with show regular Helen Amery, a fellow coach of the understanding behind Quality of Mind. We describe  four doorways for transformation – psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual (direct and indirect)  The discussion further explores the relationship between 'awakening' and 'enlightenment', viewing the former as grasping one's truest essence, and the latter denoting the continuous detangling of the human psychological condition after awakening. Whereas there are many approaches to transformation and human development there are also some we wouldn't recommend as much as others...
The discussion covers:
The Limitations of Traditional Psychology and the Search for Something More
The Awakening: Discovering the Non-Dual Landscape
Why Are There Such a Diverse Range of Approaches in Personal and Professional Development
The Common Goal of All Approaches: Uncovering the True Self
Disentangling the Human Experience
The Role of Awakening in the Enlightenment Process
Exploring Different Doorways to Enlightenment
The Intersection of Emotion and Physicality - The Body as a Signal for Attention
The Importance of Embracing the Full Gamut of Human Experience
The Cyclical Nature of the Journey of Awakening and Enlightenment
What We Wouldn't Recommend.....
Curious - want to know more?
Helen's The Enlightenment Event,  for all the info and to choose how you want to join. Doors open again 1st March 2024 for 6 days only
To find out about Helen’s work her Wild Fig Community, private sessions and free resources see wildfigsolutions.co.uk. And for everything relating to The Complete Book of Awakening on Thoughtful Raven
Listen to Helen and Piers on her journey back in 2019 as she starts to have realisations about the principles behind Quality of Mind in this special behind the scenes 3 part mini series
Find out more about Quality of Mind   
If you want to know more about 'becoming awake' check out our new 𝗗𝗜𝗥𝗘𝗖𝗧 𝗘𝗫𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗜𝗘𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗦𝗘𝗟𝗙 𝗜𝗡𝗤𝗨𝗜𝗥𝗬 programme, which is a simple guide you to experience it direct for you.  
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that operates ''before psychology'' - that exponentially increases the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode, Piers chats with corporate coach Dominic Scaffidi. Dominic and Piers did three episodes together back in 2020 exploring 'What is behind the magic of transformational coaching' and now they get back together to see what has been evolving in their own groundings and work.
This episode explores what is truly transformative about coaching from this understanding of Before Psychology and Quality of Mind. It is a deep and sometimes technical conversation about the nature of consciousness, self-limitation, and the essence of being.
They explore the idea of achieving versus allowing, noting that individuals can only experience the expansive nature of their being by dropping their resistance. They discuss how people often look for solutions outside themselves, forgetting that their real identity is infinite. The conversation also includes examples from business to illustrate their points effectively.
This Episode Covers:
The only challenge we ever have in business is our own mind
The appearance of solidity and limitation. There is nothing solid really to be dealing with
A simple business example of how we innocently look in the wrong place
The confusion between how it appears success is created and what is actually going on 
The utilitarian usefulness of definitions
The desire for more to overcome the illusion of scarcity
The nuance between allowing and revealing
The limitlessness to what is available
Why people really come to coaching, what we are all seeking
Curious - want to know more?
Have a listen to previous interviews with Dominic where we discuss 'The highest leverage point - A discussion to explore what really makes the difference' or How does this understanding transform the transformative effect of coaching.
Dominic runs his own executive and team coaching business HR Possibilities, and you can find him on LinkedIn here 
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind YouTube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

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