Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Potential.



Tuesday Mar 01, 2022

Part of the series of short episodes from the Quality of Mind podcast taking common business and workplace topics and exploring them through the lens of the principles of Quality of Mind. 'Looking at....'
This episode: 'Looking at... What is behind Psychological Safety?' is a short 10min podcast, there is a deeper more comprehensive exploration with this episode
This episode explores:
What is Psychological Safety ?
What is core attributes are behind Psychological Safety ?
How Psychological Safety is a natural symptom of Quality of Mind
Why we don't need to reverse engineer Psychological Safety?
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
 Still Curious - want to know more?
A 3 minute video on Psychological Safety, share with someone busy
A Youtube playlist of short 2min videos Exploring Quality of Mind tips
What is this new understanding of the mind that has huge implications for Psychological Safety, link to a 45min episode, or link to 100 min episode with Rupert Spira
You can find out more on our website about Quality of Mind,
Don't forget to check out the other short LOOKING AT episodes on DECISION MAKING  PRODUCTIVITY & LEADERSHIP & RESILIENCE
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and post

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind 'before psychology' that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a conversation with Quality of Mind colleague Kate Adey. Kate has over 20 years experience in the corporate world - as a consultant and coach.
The episodes covers:
How we as 'conventional' coaches used to approach relationships and communication with leaders in the workplace, and what is different now.
Are other people really 'a problem'?
How effortless it is to relate and have effective communication from a more expanded aperture and when in flow
Our shared being, what is it?  And is it relevant for the workplace?
How a relationship or communication feels is just an indicator to our aperture in the moment.
How we get to addicted to psychological efforting - fixing, and trying to work it out.
How our misunderstanding of who we are affects how we relate to others.
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Kate and her website 
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Sunday Jan 30, 2022

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind 'before psychology' that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a conversation with Katz Kiely a digital transformation consultant who as well as decades of experience in transforming organisations, hosts the wonderful Humans Leading Humans Podcast.  We discuss what is behind transformation and leadership, and how counter many corporate cultures are to facilitating change and getting the very best from humans. 
The episodes covers:
What Katz has learnt about transformation from working across many industries and cultures.
How come many organisations do the exact opposite of what is necessary to engender human based leadership and transformation.
The relevance of the the mind in human based leadership and change.
The CREATE framework as conditions to improve organisational change are natural symptoms of high Quality of Mind
The invisible rat race and hamster wheel.
What does the future hold? Are we waking up?
Please leave any feedback or comments on the podcast, and if you want to ask a question please do so here https://sayhi.chat/QoM - we'd love to hear from you!!
Curious - want to know more?
The Humans Leading Humans podcast
You can find out more about Katz and Beep and the CREATE framework
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Monday Dec 06, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a conversation with Helen Amery, a fellow coach of the understanding behind Quality of Mind, who poses an excellent inquiry question that any human being would benefit from exploring - Is the outside world created from the  mind?  Whether you are an experienced 'seeker', or someone who has never considered this question, explore with us on this episode...
The discussion covers:
Is it even the right question? Do we actually experience an outer and inner world?
What can we look to in terms of our direct experience that points to the nature of reality, experience and the mind?
Are we hood winked by our conditioning and perceptions to what might be going on?
So what? Does it matter where it all comes from, and realising how it works?
What's next, what is the relevance, and how to explore further
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out about Helen and her work at Wild Fig executive coaching, and her LinkedIn profile,  and if you want to follow Helen and join her wonderful community read more here
Listen to Helen on her journey as she starts to have realisations about the principles behind Quality of Mind in this special behind the scenes 3 part mini series
Find out more about Quality of Mind    
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind 
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Nov 12, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a conversation with Clare Dimond, a skilled teacher of the understanding behind Quality of Mind, and a prolific and gifted author.  We discuss what this knowing of the true self and how the mind works, means for how we turn up at work, and how we communicate.
The episodes covers:
How the true freedom to be you, and express yourself gets restricted and shackled by the workplace
How what we see in the world, our beliefs and thoughts are an OUTPUT of the system, not the input  
The invisible limitations most people are sitting in because it looks so real in perception
How we don't turn into a 'push over', or don't get what we want, if we realise the illusion of perception 
The value of navigating the workplace with a psychological cleanliness and neutrality
How our leadership and communication are feeding back to us all the time as to activity of our conditioned mind
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Clare and her work here
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Oct 15, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode I reconnect with previous show guest Dr Amy Johnson, we discuss the highly relevant question of why we believe 'Before Psychology' is so necessary and powerful yet overlooked.   Amy is the author of 'The Little Book of Big Change', she is a regularly featured expert on The Steve Harvey Show, Oprah.com, as well as Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and Self magazine.
This is a relatively long episode, but it is all so very valuable - kick back and enjoy the exploration!  Please let us know what resonates
The episodes covers:
What is the 'before psychology' understanding we refer to in the Quality of Mind approach
Why do are people now seeking something more than the psychological approaches to their wellbeing and performance  
The difference between seeing the mind and the self as an entity (object) and an activity (process)
How conditioning has misled us - what is our preoccupation with fixing our minds via psychology
The relevance of making concessions when pointing people to this understanding 
How come it makes everything in life more wonderful and simpler 
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Amy and her work here
Amy's new Book 'Just a Thought' (aka That's Just What Minds Do :) purchase and get a free chapter here 
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
The previous episode with Amy where we discuss how change works, and what gets in the way
Check out our other episodes, a curated list here
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Jul 30, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation. 
This episode is taken from The Right Here, Right Now podcast with with Garry Turner. And the brief is = no brief. What emerged was a neat encapsulation of the many aspects of the understanding behind Quality of Mind
The episodes covers:
What is the conceptual mind?
What else is available for us beyond the conceptual?
How does Quality of Mind actually turn up for people in the workplace
Does it matter if we get caught up in our narratives?
So what?  Now what?
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Garry and his work here on Linkedin and Youtube
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding 
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts

Monday May 17, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation. 
In this episode we explore another one of the key foundations of the understanding that underpins the foundation of Quality of Mind. We recommend unless you are already familiar with the benefits and implications of the understanding, you have a listen to some of our other podcasts first, otherwise this might sound irrelevant to the business world!  
This is a conversation between Piers Thurston and fellow Quality of Mind programme delivery expert Rena Loizou
We talk about:
What do we mean by 'Self & I'
How realising this mistaken identity is foundational to experience the benefits of Quality of Mind
How can we actually explore this in our own experience?  Unhooking the content of experience from the awareness of it 
How what we are all seeking is dissolving of the self - how ordinary it is to experience, but we miss it and instead focus on the content of our experience
The relationship between 'Self and I' and 'Real and Never True'
Curious - want to know more?
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind  
We reference the 'Real & Never True' foundation of QoM -  listen to an episode on that here to find out more
Explore other episodes on the benefits of Quality of Mind, and past clients explaining the difference it has made to their work and lives. 
If you are curious to see whether science agrees yet, watch Jill Bolte Taylor's on her stroke and losing her 'self' TED talk
If you recognise the spiritual element of what we are pointing to and want to explore more then check out Rupert Spira's excellent podcast The Essence of Non Duality 
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
More about Rena Loizou here

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021

Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Human Potential In Every Aspect of Life & Work. This podcast is an opportunity for curiousity, intrigue and insight as you explore a game changing understanding of the mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation. 
This episode is taken from the Business Futures Podcast from Datel
Piers is interviewed by  Emma Pownall the Marketing Director of Datel, a new comer to Quality of Mind, where she is curious to understand more about Quality of Mind, and how it might be a key aspect of future ready businesses.
This episode would serve as an excellent introduction to Quality of Mind for anyone.
The interview answers the following questions:
How would you describe Quality of Mind?
Why should businesses and leaders care about this and be interested?
What are the basic principles of Quality of Mind?
Can you say more about the aspect described as 'aperture' and how is it useful?
How does this fit in with techniques like mindfulness?
Examples of the wide impact of Quality of Mind in life and work
How can we get into the right frame of mind?
If you are intrigued, what are the next steps?
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here 
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Business Futures Podcast from Datel
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding 
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here 

Sunday Feb 21, 2021

This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind, before psychology, that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation. 
In this episode Piers chats with Michael Neill. Michael is an internationally renowned transformative coach, author and thought leader. His best selling books have inspired millions. His talent as a writer and speaker is acting as a driving force in bringing this new understanding of the Mind to people across the world. In this episode they discuss what gets in the way of people realising this game changing understanding and all the benefits it can bring to an individual or a business.
The discussion covers:
How we are much more pre-occupied than we might recognise
That many people don't even realise that there is a way to get even further, even faster, with less effort
How innocently we mis-diagnose what is really going on
What great leadership is
How to join the dots between this abstract and universal 'oxygen' conversation and the day to day 
Why it can be helpful to see the power of resonating rather than trying to understand 
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Michael and his work here
His wonderful podcast Caffeine for the Soul
Find out more about Quality of Mind 
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding 
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here 

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