Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Potential.

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a little different to usual because we're not going to be focusing so upstream into the mechanics of the mind or what's before our psychology, instead focusing more downstream into the context of project management and change management and what gets in the way of organizations realising full benefits. Through a conversation with Project management specialist Jana Axaline we discuss the real world examples of how people get in the way of projects!
The episodes covers:
What is the difference between project management and project leadership
What gets in the way of achieving full benefits realisation in a project
The importance of clarity, and understanding separate realities
The downside of being too invested and attached to an outcome
The difference between project management and change management
Choosing the the right skills for the right role; technical SME .v. managing projects or change
How to overcome change fatigue
The false economy - organisations not investing in the foundations for successful change
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Jana on LinkedIn and Project Genetics on their website here
Find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is taken from The Right Here, Right Now podcast with with Garry Turner. And the brief is = no brief. What emerged was a neat encapsulation of the many aspects of the understanding behind Quality of Mind
The episodes covers:
What is the conceptual mind?
What else is available for us beyond the conceptual?
How does Quality of Mind actually turn up for people in the workplace
Does it matter if we get caught up in our narratives?
So what? Now what?
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Garry and his work here on Linkedin and Youtube
Find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is a conversation with Sam Jarman a PGA golf pro and coach who now also works with organisations to help them understand the nature of the mind so that it benefits their performance, wellbeing and resourcefulness
We discuss:
What is it that links better a golf swing to better business performance? Flow state and being free from the conceptual narrative mind
What is the true nature of what we are before the 'self' and the relevance of this for everyday life and work
How science has reached a dead end on understanding the nature of reality and human consciousness
The importance of knowing 'what we are' before we work out how to run our lives
The misunderstanding we have about flow and happiness
The direction to explore if you want to recognise the answer to lasting peace and wellbeing
Curious - want to know more?
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind please feel free to reach out and ask any questions
To find out more about Sam; for his work with golfers and more generally with sport or with schools and teachers
We referenced another episode 'Self and I' The case of Mistaken Identity listen to that episode here
Explore other episodes on the benefits of Quality of Mind, and past clients explaining the difference it has made to their work and lives.
If you recognise the spiritual element of what we are pointing to and want to explore more then check out Rupert Spira's excellent podcast The Essence of Non Duality
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and post

Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode we explore another one of the key foundations of the understanding that underpins the foundation of Quality of Mind. We recommend unless you are already familiar with the benefits and implications of the understanding, you have a listen to some of our other podcasts first, otherwise this might sound irrelevant to the business world!
This is a conversation between Piers Thurston and fellow Quality of Mind programme delivery expert Rena Loizou
We talk about:
What do we mean by 'Self & I'
How realising this mistaken identity is foundational to experience the benefits of Quality of Mind
How can we actually explore this in our own experience? Unhooking the content of experience from the awareness of it
How what we are all seeking is dissolving of the self - how ordinary it is to experience, but we miss it and instead focus on the content of our experience
The relationship between 'Self and I' and 'Real and Never True'
Curious - want to know more?
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
We reference the 'Real & Never True' foundation of QoM - listen to an episode on that here to find out more
Explore other episodes on the benefits of Quality of Mind, and past clients explaining the difference it has made to their work and lives.
If you are curious to see whether science agrees yet, watch Jill Bolte Taylor's on her stroke and losing her 'self' TED talk
If you recognise the spiritual element of what we are pointing to and want to explore more then check out Rupert Spira's excellent podcast The Essence of Non Duality
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
More about Rena Loizou here

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Human Potential In Every Aspect of Life & Work. This podcast is an opportunity for curiousity, intrigue and insight as you explore a game changing understanding of the mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
This episode is taken from the Business Futures Podcast from Datel
Piers is interviewed by Emma Pownall the Marketing Director of Datel, a new comer to Quality of Mind, where she is curious to understand more about Quality of Mind, and how it might be a key aspect of future ready businesses.
This episode would serve as an excellent introduction to Quality of Mind for anyone.
The interview answers the following questions:
How would you describe Quality of Mind?
Why should businesses and leaders care about this and be interested?
What are the basic principles of Quality of Mind?
Can you say more about the aspect described as 'aperture' and how is it useful?
How does this fit in with techniques like mindfulness?
Examples of the wide impact of Quality of Mind in life and work
How can we get into the right frame of mind?
If you are intrigued, what are the next steps?
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Business Futures Podcast from Datel
Find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here

Sunday Feb 21, 2021
Sunday Feb 21, 2021
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind, before psychology, that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode Piers chats with Michael Neill. Michael is an internationally renowned transformative coach, author and thought leader. His best selling books have inspired millions. His talent as a writer and speaker is acting as a driving force in bringing this new understanding of the Mind to people across the world. In this episode they discuss what gets in the way of people realising this game changing understanding and all the benefits it can bring to an individual or a business.
The discussion covers:
How we are much more pre-occupied than we might recognise
That many people don't even realise that there is a way to get even further, even faster, with less effort
How innocently we mis-diagnose what is really going on
What great leadership is
How to join the dots between this abstract and universal 'oxygen' conversation and the day to day
Why it can be helpful to see the power of resonating rather than trying to understand
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Michael and his work here
His wonderful podcast Caffeine for the Soul
Find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Quality of Mind Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out the Quality of Mind podcast: Listen here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
To make a comment or ask a question just voice here

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode Piers chats with Dr Giles P Croft. They discuss a topic that is becoming ever more prevalent - professional burnout. How it is misunderstood and what you can do about it. This episode is for you if suffer from a formal diagnosis of burnout, or ever just wondered whether you are doing too much, and struggle with burning the candle at both ends
The discussion covers:
What is burnout, and what are the symptoms, is it different to depression and stress?
How for some of us we can normalise being on the edge of a low level of burnout without realising it
The illusion of being trapped by our circumstances and situation
How, once we understand what’s going on, we see we have infinite possibilities, including staying with the life we already have but with more ease deeper sense of peace, or have the clarity and insight to make changes
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Giles and his work here, and his LinkedIn profile
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out this podcast: What are the principles behind Quality of Mind? Or here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts

Friday Oct 16, 2020
Friday Oct 16, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode we explore the nub of the understanding that underpins the foundation of Quality of Mind. We recommend unless you are already familiar with the benefits and implications of the understanding, you have a listen to some of our other podcasts first, otherwise this might sound irrelevant to the business world!
This is a conversation between Piers Thurston and fellow Quality of Mind programme delivery expert Rena Loizou
We talk about:
How realising that any reality is 'real but never true' is foundational to experience the benefits of Quality of Mind
What do we mean by 'real' and 'true'?
How can we actually explore this in our own experience?
How do we get to see reality as more 'real and not true', and therefore benefit from more resourcefulness, wellbeing and potential?
Curious - want to know more?
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
Check out this podcast where we explore, albeit in a different way, a similar direction
We have plenty of other episodes on the benefits of Quality of Mind, and past clients explaining the difference it has made to their work and lives.
If you are curious to see whether science agrees yet, watch Anil Seth's TED talk and Don Hoffman's The case against reality
If you recognise the spiritual element of what we are pointing to and want to explore more then check out Rupert Spira's excellent podcast The Essence of Non Duality
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts
More about Rena Loizou here

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode Piers chats with fellow coach Helen Amery. They discuss the common, but misunderstood topic of disillusionment. Usually we think it’s terrible to be in a state of confusion or disappointment about life when in fact these times provide the perfect opportunity to discover something new and fresh. If you’re asking these questions - Is this it? Does it have to be this hard? - then this episode is for you.
We talk about:
How we can normalise a low level of satisfaction with life and become 'comfortably numb', before we get more aware of being disillusioned with our lives
What is going on when you aren't feeling connected and loving life?
How your lifestyle and circumstances are never actually causing your disillusionment with life - it just really looks like they are
How we confuse what is a brick and what is jelly.....(jelly & bricks - yes,really!)
How we become limited by our imaginations about what is possible
The illusion of being trapped by our need for a certain lifestyle and money
How, once we understand what’s going on, we see we have infinite possibilities, including staying with the exact life we already have but with a deeper sense of contentment and joy.
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Helen and her work at Wild Fig executive coaching, and her LinkedIn profile
Listen to Helen on her journey as she startsto have realisations about the principles behind Quality of Mind in this special behind the scenes 3 part mini series
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
Check out this podcast: What are the principles behind Quality of Mind?
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts

Monday Aug 03, 2020
Monday Aug 03, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
Please note this episode gets a little technical (or some might say profound!) so you might want to listen first to some other episodes (e.g. benefits and role and relevance of Quality of Mind)
This is part 3 of series of chats with fellow coach Dominic Scaffidi - in this conversation we reveal what we have been pointing to in other episodes: What is it that we are realising about the nature of the human experience and reality that unlocks so much resourcefulness, potential and wellbeing in people?
In this episode we discuss:
How innocently and invisibly we usually start in the wrong place
What do you think we mean when we say 'you' or 'I'? We reveal a different view...
What is this 'real but not true' and illusion all about?
How the very nature of reality is misunderstood, and that leads to us to being more of a limitation of potential than we need to be.
So what next?
Curious - want to know more?
Have a listen to previous interviews with Dominic where we discuss 'The highest leverage point - A discussion to explore what really makes the difference' or How does this understanding transform the transformative effect of coaching.
Dominic runs his own executive and team coaching business HR Possibilities, and you can find him on LinkedIn here
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
'I have some questions' a podcast episodes that discusses some of the common questions in the understanding
What are the benefits: Check out this podcast: Dramatic Shifts in Productivity, Mental Wellbeing & Purpose from Just 3 Days. Or hear from another coaching client, about the 'The simple, surreal, yet life changing nature of it all'
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on LinkedIn and has a large collection of articles and posts