Quality of Mind: Realising Exponential Potential.

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being for any individual or organisation.
In this episode Piers chats with Dr Giles P Croft. They discuss a topic that is becoming ever more prevalent - professional burnout. How it is misunderstood and what you can do about it. This episode is for you if suffer from a formal diagnosis of burnout, or ever just wondered whether you are doing too much, and struggle with burning the candle at both ends
The discussion covers:
What is burnout, and what are the symptoms, is it different to depression and stress?
How for some of us we can normalise being on the edge of a low level of burnout without realising it
The illusion of being trapped by our circumstances and situation
How, once we understand what’s going on, we see we have infinite possibilities, including staying with the life we already have but with more ease deeper sense of peace, or have the clarity and insight to make changes
Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Giles and his work here, and his LinkedIn profile
Click here to find out more about Quality of Mind
Subscribe to our Youtube channel for a series of 2 min videos all about Quality of Mind
Check out this podcast: What are the principles behind Quality of Mind? Or here for an episode about what benefits someone can get from the understanding
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and posts

Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
This podcast series explores a game-changing understanding of the human mind that can exponentially increase the performance, resourcefulness and well-being in any business or organisation.
Special Episode: Looking at….CONNECTION: At a time when the world is in virtual lockdown. How does an understanding of Quality of Mind help us see the role and mechanics of connection
This episode explores:
What do we mean by connection
That connection is far more foundational than we think
What really gets in the way of connection
How connection is possible without proximity
Some things to experiment with for yourself
Still Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Quality of Mind
Don't forget to check out the other 'LOOKING AT' episodes on DECISION MAKING LISTENING & LEADERSHIP & RESILIENCE
Check out this short podcast: What are the principles behind Quality of Mind?
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and post

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
A new series of short episodes from the Quality of Mind podcast taking common business and workplace topics and exploring them through the lens of the principles of Quality of Mind. 'Looking at....'
This episode: Looking at....2. RESILIENCE (don't forget to check out the other episodes on DECISION MAKING PRODUCTIVITY & LEADERSHIP)
This episode explores:
What is resilience, why is it relevant for the workplace?
How is resilience commonly addressed in the workplace, and how we are innocently teaching people the wrong things about resilience.
How resilience is a natural part of having an understanding the principles behind Quality of Mind
So what? How do I help my own resilience by exploring this understanding?
Still Curious - want to know more?
You can find out more about Quality of Mind,
Check out this short podcast: What are the principles behind Quality of Mind?
Piers Thurston regularly writes about Quality of Mind on Linkedin and has a large collection of articles and post